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HTML5 banners

Online advertising is big business and if you want to stand out from the crowd, then you'll probably need some HTML5 banners.

There are various ways to go about this - and important questions you need to know the answers to before you can produce your banners.

HTML5 banners
  • Learn how to brief a HTML5 banner project
  • Manage the client's expectations
  • Keep a tight right on costs
Lisa Freeman: Course Tutor

Course Tutor

Lisa Freeman

Lisa has been earning a living on the web for almost 20 years and has been giving training to businesses and agencies for over a decade.

Having worked as a designer, developer, project manager, agency CEO and a client she can explain everything in a clear and easy to follow way, leaving you all set to achieve more online.

Worked for

Course Episodes:

Episode 1. Publishers: where will your banners be shown and which ad network will serve them?

First thing's first, where are these banners going to appear? As the websites displaying them may have requirements or ad platform guidelines to adhere to.

Duration: 2mins

Episode 2. How should it flow?

There are a few things your developers will need to know about your banners in order to build them, and these may be things you decide with your creative team, or that your creative or dev team take the lead on.

Duration: 3mins

Episode 3. Supplying artwork: what do you need to know?

There are certain things banner artwork needs to take into account.

Duration: 2mins

Episode 4. Links and tags

A super short episode but one that warrants it's own headline - how are you going to track success?

Duration: 1mins

Episode 5. Animated gifs

Again, a super short episode but has it's own place so it doesn't get forgotten.

Duration: 1mins

Episode 6. Quoting

The devil is in the detail when it comes to quoting on HTML5 banners so how can you make sure a project sticks to budget?

Duration: 2mins

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